
I am so grateful to have long term relationships with my students and clients. They truly bring my ideas to life and I look at each experience as a collaboration.


I could really go on and on and on about Liz's gifts. One of the things that I want to mention here is how particularly amazing she is at supporting women to become more truly whole in themselves. She has the capacity to find very unique and artistic ways of helping women to transcend their conscious brain into subconscious stories, beliefs and emotions that are holding them back from becoming who they are truly meant to be. She says often that “one woman's story is every woman's story” and I find so much that this is true in the work that she does that when I witness and experience other women she teaches and coaches that I see myself in them and therefore through their transformation. THis Has Been a mirror back TO myself That also helps me to be transformed in my own way. Through thought provoking questions, movements, meditative like activities, journaling exercises, and more, Liz truly has the capacity to help one go deep inside the consciousness, deep inside the heart, deep inside places of the body That hold stuck traumas and belief and transform them into something that is truly artistic and beautiful.
Diane M
Physician, Thought Leader, Author
Thank you for loving all of us no matter where we are on our dance journeys. It’s really a special thing to be able to hold so many different people in so many different places and no body feels loved any more or less based on where they are
Caitlin A.
healer, teacher, therapist
Liz is a master of ceremony and experience. Her teachings have become an invaluable addition to my life, guiding me on a journey towards a deeper understanding of self and healing. She has not only created a space where I have been able to work towards connection of mind and body, but also a space for community, where I have had the invaluable opportunity to be in connection with other women. Many of us feel at home in the safe space she cultivates, and she gives generously in many ways to ensure it remains inclusive and deeply nourishing for everyone. I’m so glad to have gotten the opportunity to work with Liz and hope to continue being a part of whatever she creates!
Elisabeth V
Our community has began to call it temple. Because there are few greater words to describe the profound mastery of that which Liz Janowski holds.

Liz Janowski is a Master Temple Keeper and Ceremonialist. Her curations are works of art, rooted in study that is both eloquent and world changing. Each curation by Liz reaches far and wide, with as much depth as study as a dissertation, paired with ceremony and ritual that touches into the most foundational needs of human beings.

Her work has shifted the lives of countless women and continues to inspire the fabric of community, womanhood, and what it is to live an honest, raw, and meaningful life. Any person who has the opportunity to work with Liz will find their world re-weaving itself home, with personal discovery so rich it will open doors of replenished possibility, and ignite their path forward.- Allie D., RN, thought, leader
Allie D
RN, thought leader

Liz Janowski – Written testimonial  By Ariel Radack Krassner


In this day and age, many people teach about pleasure in a way that is potentially shallow or polarizing to pain. Liz is a powerful channel for an elegant path into the divine feminine that is welcoming of full human experience, including the pain, of the “mess” of life, of the strange, the mundane, and the REAL.


Working with Liz is always a portal – a portal into a deeper reality that soothes the soul and gives permission for a fuller expression of self, art, and life force itself. Her gifts are many, and perhaps one of the crowning jewels is her ability to love. Liz creates environments of potent love that allow those who enter to find a new level of potential, which comes through feeling held in a way that is truly unique to Liz and her magic touch.


Liz is a diamond in the rough landscape that is modern monotony. She reminds me of what a gift life is every time I enter her containers, whether through dance, photography, or her immersive transcendent art experiences.


Words cannot express how grateful I am to have experienced and continue to experience the magic of Liz’s work. Her work has given me an opportunity to get to know my most powerful, magnetic, turned-on self and this has transmuted my entire existence. Who I am now is unrecognizable from the woman I was before.


If you are lucky enough to be graced by Liz and her magical world of art, beauty, and mystery – your life will never be the same. You will know yourself more intimately and have more space for the wide range of experiences life has to offer.

our dance teacher

i am being watched

by a woman who stitches a magnificent tapestry in the air
her wrist curling, undulating, pulling at threads

she moans

she speaks words only for my ears
somehow my ears hear them
though i am transported, i am elsewhere
i am charting the uncharted space
between my elbow and my rib cage
where apparently my greatest desire and the key
to my deepest happiness and contentment on earth, resides

To read the full poem, click here

Brenna, natural elements, winter 23